Committee of Martial Art Liaison - ITF HQ Korea

In time for the 60th anniversary of the ITF (International Taekwondo Federation) on March 22, 2016 was Thomas Siemon, IV DAN * Taekwon-Do as chairman in the "Chair of Martial Arts Liaison committee" appointed. Goal of the committee is to Worldwide a network between Taekwon-Do build other martial arts. There are the goals and values of the martial arts are widespread, not only on an accrual basis in sport, philosophy and science are but a compound represent this. Especially this is the KCMA-Germany in good hands, are there precisely this cooperation between different martial arts styles and what we stand for.
After a few weeks of intensive work and making contact we can already present some interested in a collaboration of the martial arts.
We want to thank in which that great wish to work your help in building a network of martial arts without hesitation to take this opportunity once already. The first milestone will be a "Open Korean Martial Arts Tournament" in 2017 in Germany. All further information we will present here on our website.
*Auf dem Bild der ITF wurde fälschlicherweise der 6. Dan geschrieben. Dies ist ein Schreibfehler und wird zur Zeit korregiert. Richtig ist der 4. Dan.
* On the ITF picture the 6th Dan is incorrectly written. This is a typo and corrects the time. Correct is the 4th Dan.
Thomas Siemon, Taekwon-Do Germany

Thomas is a ITF International Instructor, born in 1971. On march 2016 he was appointed to the "committee of martial arts liaison" of the ITF HQ Korea. He stands for the cooperation of various martial arts, since the idea of KCMA Germany is also his idea. Besides Taekwondo he runs hapkido and teukgong moosool.
"....the task is therefore made just for me."
Thomas Siemon
Lennart van de Vel and Jan Jacobs, KMA Belgium

"...... We're honored that you thought of us for Teukgong Moosool for your network.
We share the opinion that a good network is always nice to have. As our latest seminar has pointed out, training with other people, different countries is fun and very educational (everyone does every technique a bit different).
We both firmly believe that a good base is required for martial arts, but it's those little that makes you even better."
Lennart van de Vel and Jan Jacobs
Rony Dassen, Sin Moo Hapkido Belgium

"... We practice the Sin Moo Hapkido taught us by DoJu Nim Ji Han Jae and further are we partnered with the Korean WKF / Hanminjok Hapkido Association chaired by GM In Sun Seo. For both Hapkido organizations we have representation on Belgium, the Netherlands and G. H. Luxembourg. Regarding your request to participate in "Open Korean martial arts tournament" we certainly are open for this. Let's hear it in a timely manner so that we can arrange and organise this. Concerning to set up "a network of partnership" you can also count on us. Finally, we all practice the same hobbies. Korean Martial Arts."
Rony Dassen